
Putting other people first is at the core of what Amber Martin does, whether it’s in her work in real estate or her daily life.  Setting a good example for her children, giving a ‘shout-out’ to the charities she has worked with, and inspiring other people to make a positive impact on the community are topics of vital importance for Amber.

Serving the military community has been a focus for Amber for the past 20 years.  She currently donates her time to serve as a board member at Operation Help A Hero, a 501c3 military nonprofit that helps active duty troops and their families. OHH supports troops at Camp Pendleton and across the United States through Operation Rack Pack, Operation Christmas Spirit, Operation Enduring Support, OHH Camp Joy and OHH Baby Shower.

Amber was recently elected as President and Executive Director for Christian Missionary Fund International which is a unique 501c3 charitable organization focused on investing ministry dollars while freeing up profits to fund special missionary projects throughout the world. All donations are deposited into a managed fund that invests in covered calls and short puts. The monthly proceeds are then either reinvested or deposited directly into a trust fund dedicated to assisting missionaries spreading the gospel around the world.

In the past, Amber has served as a board member for the Bell Tower Foundation, a nonprofit run by the city of Rancho Santa Margarita that seeks to inspire local philanthropy, engage stakeholders in community service, and embrace the local nonprofit network through collaborative partnerships.

Amber has also been a frequent volunteer for numerous other charities, including:
·Acts of Appreciation – a military outreach organization,
·Wells of Life- building wells in Uganda,
·Saddleback Church’s – HIV/AIDS ministry,
·Saddleback Church’s – Orphan care ministry.

For Amber, going on a 16 day trip to Rwanda as a part of an Orphan Care PEACE trip with Saddleback Church was a life-changing experience.  She went with her oldest daughter, who was 12 at the time, to train pastors and social workers on how to care for vulnerable, orphaned and human trafficked children. The ultimate goal is to place every child in Rwanda into a loving home. Since returning home from Rwanda Amber has gone on a mission trip down to Mexico and will be heading to the Ya-Ta-Hey Indian reservation in New Mexico this June along with four of her children to connect and engage with the at risk youth. Amber’s personal goal is to do one big mission trip a year.

As a graduate of Saddleback Church’s Counselor Training Program, Amber has leveraged her counseling experience as Founder of a new ministry called Choose Love Wisely which helps young adults make an informed decision about the qualities, values and personality traits a future spouse should have so they can go on to thrive and enrich the lives of others. Amber tries to instill strong Christian values into her children by doing Random Acts of Kindness every Sunday, as well as taking them to volunteering opportunities as often as possible, such as preparing barracks for returning single Marines and Sailors at Camp Pendleton.

Keza Corp. has consistently donated over 10 percent of revenue to charities and organizations such as Saddleback Church, Operation Help A Hero, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, South County Outreach, Samaritan’s Purse and Wells of Life. Amber welcomes the chance to help others get involved or answer questions, so if you are looking to connect, please click here.




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